Hack the box dante pro labs. Hi guys, I am having issue login in to WS02. I’ve got my OSCP, sometimes struggle with medium boxes and haven’t done anything above medium. 0/24. gabi68ire December 17, 2020, 8:26pm 1. 3 Likes. Took me a long time to find everything I needed but if you’re smarter than me about it you can HackTheBox DANTE Pro Labs: Cracking the Code in Just 4 Days. free-server, dante. But it was different this morning, it just wasn’t working. As root, ran linpeas again. Can I Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Edit: Disregard! 😄 (Started the lab today. caseyv May 5, 2023, 8:52pm 713. I highly recommend using Dante to le Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. 14. n3tc4t December 20, 2022, 7:40am 593. DANTE #HTB #ProLab - 4 WEEKS Live The first community testimonials have already showed up on the platform! Looking for a #PenetrationTester Level I Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. sT0wn October 29, 2020, 1:59pm 112. Lyes August 5, 2021, 1:30pm 397. I’m fairly new to doing HTB style items. Before taking on this Pro Lab, I recommend you have six months to a year of experience in Hack The Box. A question came up to me, since i’m relatively new to pivoting and Dante ProLabs (HackTheBox) Writeups. inoaq August 16, 2023, 12:24pm 731. I have rooted all in the first subnet apart from SQL01, . @richeze I got stuck where you are FOREVER it felt. malmoeb August 19, 2020, 2:18pm 16. Type your Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I was working out of a VM and had to add a passthrough/bridged interface for things to work. I think the next step is to attack the admin network. Having done Dante Pro Labs, where the focus was more on Linux exploitation, I wanted an environment where I could get my hands dirty on Windows and Active Directory exploitations. Hello guys, I’m stuck on the Update Dante is a Hack-the-Box pro lab where you can put your Pentesting skills to the test. I put these notes together after completing Dante, it’s a work in progress but it should be enough for anyone new to this or in need for a memory refresh. 100 site with their shell . 100 machine for 2 weeks. I’ve already ran So In US Dante2 I have sent multiple requests to reset the lab, people have left behind their webshells and exploit files, ruining the experience for others. Any nudge available without giving too much away? DANTE-NIX02 Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. aitipiaty December 2, 2020, 11:38am 136. TazWake December 5, 2020, 11:38pm 145. @voodooraptor look at using sshuttle with the SSH creds you have found. Submit. "Dante is a modern, yet beginner-friendly pro lab that provides the opportunity to learn common penetration testing methodologies, and gain familiarity with tools included in the Parrot OS Linux distribution. nvm, found my mistake. 19. CosmicBear December 16, 2020, 9:09pm 185. hacktricks. Dante Hack The Box's Dante Pro Lab is an awesome learning experience for those that want an in-depth understanding of penetration testing and insight on how attackers often I'm gonna be starting my Dante prolabs adventure soon and I wanted to know if there is any good to-do list machines to get well prepered for dante, I know that there might be some "Dante is a modern, yet beginner-friendly pro lab that provides the opportunity to learn common penetration testing methodologies, and gain familiarity with tools included in the Dante Pro Labs study group. It’ll also be a separate ovpn config to access them. This one is for (. @0xjb said: Could I get a nudge on nix02 please? I found the vuln, and saw a hint here about reading, but I’ve tried many, many files/dirs in all user dirs and general filesystem files and cant get anything. Found with***. If you have to deface a customer product in your pentest you are doing it wrong. Practice offensive cybersecurity by penetrating complex, realistic scenarios. I am currently in the middle of the lab and want to share some of the skills required to complete it. I could do a LFI without any problems. Red team training with labs and a certificate of completion. Anyone has experience with this? using ProLab Studio, Provo, Utah. free Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. parag1232 June 26, 2021, 5:54pm 359. Xl** file. stoskas June 21, 2021, 1:10pm 356. Hello I’m stuck in Dante last flag I think I’m root everywhere, can someone hint me ? I think it’s all about p*****tom account. Can you please give me any hint about getting a foothold on the first machine? acidbat I don’t know if nowadays someone ever visits this topic again, but recently I’ve started doing the Dante pro-lab. muhyuddin007 July 27, 2021, 1:07pm 395. Should I be using brute force techniques (i’m using the multi-headed kind) on a particular user that is mentioned elsewhere, or am i missing something? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. GlenRunciter August 21, 2020, 2:44pm 22 @JonnyGill said: Type Hack The Box certifications are for sure helpful to find a job in the industry or to enter the cybersecurity job market. 191 likes · 13 were here. but it doesn’t work. richeze October 20, 2020, 5:37pm 107. azukam61 November 6, 2022, 3:59pm 584. limelight August 12, 2020, 12:18pm 2. Elnirath October 6, 2021, 6:34am 428. Fully enum the DB on Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. I have tried a number of things getting a interactive shell, but it seems everything I try is either getting removed by AV or things have been disabled etc? Unless I’ve missed something. Home ; hello guys, i’m new here i decided to try out dante, but i’m stuck on the first machine ( 10. I’ve root NIX01, however I don’t where else I should look for to get the next flag. Hi! I’m stuck with uploading a wp plugin for getting the first shell. Ru1nx0110 June 2, 2022, 9:10pm 519. LostatSea September 4, 2020, 5:06pm 41. alemusix Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Thanks for starting this. sT0wn October 20, 2020, 6:54pm 108. Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Edit Finally Root - on to the next one! Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I’m unable to get any result in initial Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Any suggestions? Did you see the dante-sql01 dante-nix07 dante-ws02 dante-admin-dc02 dante-admin-nix05 dante-admin-nix06. Looking for some help on getting a shell for WS-01 have creds for admin and John but kinda lost on what to do now. 19, and WS02. unknown1236 September 9, 2021, 11:20pm 418. Ati79 September 5, 2020, 11:10pm 45. I have some flags inside the network now. Cause I can’t login. Have sent at least a dozen requests to reset the lab and nothing. I know what account I should be targeting and tried some common wordlists on all 3 ports. Home Type your comment> @GlenRunciter said: @JonnyGill said: Hi, wondering if I should sign up for this. But encountered an issue. Should I be using brute force techniques (i’m using the multi-headed kind) on a particular user that is mentioned elsewhere, or am i missing something? You should also A couple of months ago I undertook the Zephyr Pro Lab offered by Hack the Box. Type your Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. GRADMENEPS January 9, 2022, 9:56pm 462. yurisco February 10, 2023, 1:01am 665. HTB Content Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. HangmansMoose July 7, Hi folks! Would anybody be willing to nudge for privesc on WS03? 😄 I’m quite certain I’m targeting the right thing, but it’s difficult to tell whether or not the lab needs to be reset. In my defense, I’m also dealing with issues involving VPN connections to Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. somebody defaced the main . Medium – 25 Jan 22. Hello, I don’t know if it’s the same case but for me one faster method/ATTACK with WP**** (x**** c) wasn’t successful default p*****-*****k method was enough. show post in topic. I saw in HTB that all the prolabs are in a subnet like this 10. Feel free to DM if needed DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX04 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-DC01 DANTE-WEB-NIX01 DANTE-WS03. Home ; Categories ; Guidelines Type your comment> @0PT1MUS said: Type your comment> @BaddKharma said: So apparently the Dante Labs breaks down for users who are forced to use the TCP protocol for their connection pack. 0x6a6e696e65 November 11, 2021, 9:38pm 434. I found it but I am not sure to really understand how th e connection between the two subnets is working. ProLabs. achsooistdas December 7, 2020, 3:54pm 154. This has Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. g000W4Y December 8, 2020, 9:42am 160. I keep falling for rabbit holesany hint for this please? show post in topic Type your comment> @0PT1MUS said: Type your comment> @BaddKharma said: So In US Dante2 I have sent multiple requests to reset the lab, people have left behind their webshells and exploit files, ruining the experience for others. Can someone help me please? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I am planning to buy a prolab from HTB. So far I have got *do. prolabs, dante. I highly recommend using Dante to learn Dante Pro Lab is a captivating environment that features both Linux and Windows Operating Systems. I cant seem to get the upload correct for the next step can i DM someone for a more in-depth question? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hello, I need some help regarding Dante Pro Lab. OSPG Writeups; Redirection. muhyuddin007 July 8, 2021, 6:43am 371. HTB Content. Type your comment> @Premjith said: Any pointers for Dante first machine tried all got the cred for config file but all dead ends. Presumably you have to get root on DANTE-WEB-NIX01? or is it sufficient to pivot via Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. So a quick update. I’m unable to get any result in initial nmap scan on ip range 10. hackiecat June 2, 2022, 3:41pm 518. Typically HTB will give you something over port 80 or 8080 as your starting point from there you will Hack The Box offers both Business and Individual customers several scenarios. Type your comment> @limelight said: Type your comment> @achsooistdas said: Got all flags execpt the flag “Again and again”. If the initial access helped you in privilege escalation , then you are good on this machine to access every time for pivot. Hello I found an application in the lab that requires exploit development. alexh July 18, 2021, 2:31pm 389. I was thinking of buying the Dante Prolab so I can practice what I learn during the CPTS on Dante. Feel free to DM . When you do echo ‘string’ > file - it overwrites. ajBobg June 14, 2022, 3:58pm 524. 2stupid2win June 28, 2021, 7:36am 362. CTF's. But the flag say there are many privesc Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. dumb0frames March 11, 2022, 3:32pm 483. I even tried to make my own wordlist using the documentation that’s pinned to this thread. It's not an exam but taking into account HTB's no We’re excited to announce a brand new addition to our HTB Business offering. read files again You are right, thank you! Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. There will be no spoilers about completing the lab and gathering flags. Dante Pro Lab is a captivating environment that features both Linux and Windows Operating Systems Hi, you can PM me about this @FullHorse17 said: Could anyone give me a nudge on where to go for the NIX01 flag? I’m new to this and have used every enumeration script I have but don’t see any way to proceed past the 2 users. The other day I was doing the part of Seclusion is an illusion i used proxychains for access firefox and the IP. Rooted Just to give some hints like classic machine lab discussion: Century box: user: trust the information you have and persevere with your own content root: enumeration scripts most likely give you the solution Pivot: SSH and SOCKS are common tools to do this Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hey no this is a different box I believe. Rooted the initial box and started some manual enumeration of the ‘other’ network. I have already done a few of the boxes, but I just Everything you need to find out is right there. tkmumbles June 22, 2022, 11:40pm 534. Why Hack The Box? Work @ Hack The Box. As a noob I’ve probably thrown myself into the deep end somewhat with DANTE after reading some of Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. dievu5 December 6, 2020, 12:50am 151. I have found the first 2 flags and still working on my initial foothold. I usually regenerate credentials to another server whenever I have connection problems, due to the fact that sometimes people may break machines Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. show post in Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. swp file, so i’m trying to use the informations stored in there to generate cookies using a script but i sent maaaaaaaany ( like, MANY ahah ) of those cookies and i still cannot login as admin probably i’m getting stuck on the Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I think I am probably overcomplicating it. can anyone give me a hint of how to get from M* to F* on NIX02 have escaped M* and found some creds but am currently missing something. EDIT: I delete my comment I found the way ^^ Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Anyone know what the turnaround time on getting pro-labs reset is? motoraLes January 31, 2021, 3:13am 263. richeze August 30, 2020, 4:01pm 32. Travis Altman Home About Hack The Box Dante Pro Lab Review December 10, 2023. What is this Lab? This whole lab is a simulation of a corporate network pentest with its level adjusted to junior pentester. Can i send you a DM? I am stuck in a very similar place. show post in topic Type your comment> @lhh4sa said: anyone been able to escalate on DANTE-WEB-WS03? im working on the exploit, get a connection, but it immediately closes. By now, I’ve done following boxes: DANTE-WEB-NIX01 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-WS02 DANTE-WS03 DANTE-DC01 DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-NIX04 If someone is still reading this and willing to assist me to next boxes, Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I can’t understand why f*'s credential doesn’t work. 0/24 and can see all hosts up and lot of ports FILTERED. I have two questions to ask: I’ve been stuck at the first . 0: 576: December 14, 2022 Hack The Box Dante Pro Lab. 12. LostatSea September 3, 2020, 6:19pm 38. Choose up to 3 fragrances from our impressive fragrance wall (showcasing 100 fragrances!) to include in a truly unique Currently doing file transfers section. appreciate ya’ll. azukam61 December 22, 2022, 11:26am 598. Anybody completed the Jenkins box? Hey everyone, I am currently stuck on . We’ve expanded our Professional Labs scenarios and have introduced Zephyr, an intermediate-level red team simulation environment designed to be attacked, as a means of honing your team’s engagement while improving Active Directory enumeration and exploitation skills. . Dante Pro Lab Tips && Tricks | by Karol Mazurek | Medium. Thanks in advance! Type your comment> @BaddKharma said: So In US Dante2 I have sent multiple requests to reset the lab, people have left behind their webshells and exploit files, ruining the experience for others. So apparently the Dante Labs breaks down for users who are forced to use the TCP protocol for their connection pack. Dante ProLabs (HackTheBox) My Experience and tips for others. The added value of HTB certification is through the highly practical and hands-on training needed to obtain them. arydob December 31, 2020, 5:55pm 209. jimbo9519 November 26, 2020, 12:35am 133. Hi, I successfully privesc on NIX01. Hi all, I have a question about WS-03 - for priv esc should I craft exploit for some service, or I can use more usual technics? show post in topic. groovemelon December 3, 2020, 8:06am 138. Hello all ! I have a few questions about the second subnet. Thanks “ I’m BLUE da ba dee da ba” ? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. 385-295-4162. Two of them have interesting entries, but nothing seems to bite when sweeping. I was going to try rockyou, but I had a feeling that I shouldn’t need such a Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. rakeshm90 December 9, 2020, 10:38am 164. smugglebunny September 18, 2020, 11:36am 82. To whomever is deleting flags please know you are an aho! Sincerely. 100 Box. Can anyone provide pointers for the priv esc on WS02? I have an idea what to do but i am running into a permissions issue. Hey guys, I’ve made some decent progress but I’m getting a bit caught up on initial shell on NIX02. I’m being redirected to the ftp upload. DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX04 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-DC01 Which of these boxes would you think might have connectivity to ‘admin’ machines listed on the lab write up? josejuan909 September 25, 2020, 4:33am 92. I need a nudge for initial foothold. Can anyone talk about me in private? I already have 6 flags. Morton September 9, 2020, 8:45am 51. Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. How does BlackSky compare to the other Professional Labs scenarios like Dante or Cybernetics? Unlike our Professional Labs, BlackSky is focused on the unique challenges presented by the use of modern cloud Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. 100 host had 3 open ports and last night all of them are filtered suddenly Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. It was modified? or fake? show post in topic. everything is on the other network, you should better search on a “domain” any one on available to help with dante lab? Im at the Hey everyone !! Hope this forum is still active. You will level up your skills in information gathering and Method A - Dante Pro Lab. yurisco February 10, 2023, 12:58am 664. Type your comment> @fckth3syst3m said: Guys, please, stop overwrite existing public keys in the authorized_keys. Got some simple XSS working but would like to ask more questions if anyone is available for more Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I am having the same issue - have change nmap flags to ignore ping etc. If the initial access helped you in any one on available to help with dante lab? Im at the very beginning. same here tried bruteforcing and got Type your comment> @Baggster said: Hey, i am hoping for some help. xyz - A wiki collecting a bunch of hacking techniques that I referred to a lot durung Dante; I hope this review gave you a good idea of what the Dante pro lab is like, and some useful tips in how to operate in it. @dievu5 said: Take a look on the Dante Lab Description (what you will be exposed to) and you should know the way. DANTE-WS01? I am trying the M**** Shell Write to C:\x***\ht*** but doesn’t seem to work, tried different paths as well. I will discuss some of the tools and techniques you need to know. I have pawned all flags except these 2-It doesn’t get any easier than this Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. The lab is great for someone that maybe preparing for their Hack The Box :: Forums Dante initial foothold. Trying the usual AD enumeration hasn’t found much I can use. ©2019-2023 by The Wick Lab. swp, found to**. Argon August 24, 2023, 6:14am 735. inoaq August 2, 2023, 8:35am 725. Have it working great for first pivot, but struggling to make the jump to the additional subnet. I tried both Pwnbox and OpenVPN to connect to Dante lab. smugglebunny September 5, 2020, 3:33pm 44. I’ll start with my overall thoughts and takeaways then get into some tips and tricks to hopefully make you more successful if you decide to tackle this challenge. It was modified? or fake? the same here, can anyone contribute any tips? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. The truth is that the platform had not released a new Pro Lab for about a year or more, so this new addition was a Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Hello, is there someone I can PM, I am extremely new to this, I am and the starting point, @Foothold, I cannot proceed further, some help would be greatly appreciated Thanks a lot Ati. I think my problem is slightly different to what @rakeshm90 is experiencing. Home Presumably you have to get root on DANTE-WEB-NIX01? or is it sufficient to pivot via ssh using the standard user? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hello, I have pwned WEB-NIX01, DC01, NIX02, NIX03, NIX04, WS01 and WS03 and I’m stuck on SQL01, WS02 and a machine with 19 ( I don’t know the hostname of the machine yet ) can you give me a Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. sickwell February 23, 2021, 4:40pm 287. m1ddl3w4r3 September 7, 2020, 8:48pm 48. I found the flag under the M* user and have tried enumerating known files. Hey all wondering if a can get a pm hint on priv esc for the inital box, I’m jammed up. one of the other user creds you have found is static and will work for all of the Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Just gotta look at everything on the box. I have rooted the below machines, but have yet to find the other network(s). 0: 889: August 5, 2021 DANTE Pro labs - NIX02 stucked. Type your comment> @HangmansMoose said: Hey everyone, am stuck getting an initial foothold on DANTE-WEB-NIX01. ClovisMint September 25, 2023, 4:12pm 745. Type your comment> @sigeri said: any one got the flag on “An open goal” how can i miss this flag ? Take a closer look at SQL01, maybe from “the inside” Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Provo makerspace & co-working space dedicated to providing the tools necessary for makers, Hack The Box :: Forums Network pivoting guide. I am looking for help or nudge for moving onto next boxes. 10). Type your comment> @0xjb said: Could I get a little nudge on the DC foothold please, tried all the usual DC stuff that I can think of + all the creds I could find so far. I don’t know where to start and how to Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. rakeshm90 December 8, 2020, 10:38am 161. Subscribe Form. Feel like I have smashed into a wall. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone could give me a nudge on the . Home ; Categories Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. 110. I complete the Hack The Box Dante Pro lab a few weeks ago, so I thought I’d do a review of it. Thanks for submitting! General Inquiries: Does anyone know if we have the necessary knowledge once we have completed the Penetration Tester Path on HackTheBox Academy to do the Dante pro lab? Revere Health’s CLIA certified medical lab in Provo provides patients easy access to quality lab care such as phlebotomy and more. redhammer January 4, 2023, 1:07pm 1. Premjith July 13, 2021, 5:51pm 383. show post in DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX04 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-DC01 DANTE-WEB-NIX01 DANTE-WS03 Which of these boxes would you think might have connectivity to ‘admin’ machines listed on the lab write up? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hey guys, Can anyone please help me with DC01? I have rooted it but I’m struggling a bit with finding the way to the next subnet/domain. I’m still stuck at the nix-02. If I recall correctly there’s a box that thanks to a recent CVE (). Home ; Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. any hint in ws01 in priv esc part? *rooted. Are you sure that you’re brutforcing is working well? Are you sure that there is no mistake in your command, or request you’re using? If you don’t find any Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Home ; Categories ; In this video I discuss my thoughts and reflect a bit on the experience I gained finishing Hack The Box's Dante Pro Lab. show post in topic Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. One of the exploits for LPE can crash NIX01, submitted Lab Redeployment request. Type your comment> @rakeshm90 said: any nudge with privesc on WS03? thank you. But I cannot identify, which box is the pivot. Hello I’m in the same situation i pwned all but not WS02 you mean the . 1shikoroK0ishi July 28, 2021, 11:44pm 396. fireblade July 26, 2021, 4:02pm 393. Trying to fix a script found on exploit-db. DaahtKing December 16, 2020, 10:30am 179. Hello. When I scan the ip range I don’t see anything online, so I’m not sure if I just don’t have access. WoShiDelvy February 22, 2021, 3:26pm 286. duck June 23, 2022, 10:53am 535. Could anyone please point me in the Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. " My motivation: I love Hack The Box and want to Type your comment> @McNinjaSovs said: Type your comment> @crankyyash said: Type your comment> @McNinjaSovs said: Have been stuck on NIX02 after I got the user flag some days ago I feel like I have tried everything, but I’m clearly missing something Type your comment> @muhyuddin007 said: Type your comment> @HangmansMoose said: Hey everyone, am stuck getting an initial foothold on DANTE-WEB-NIX01. I waited a few minutes and reran nmap. Can anybody give me a hint? Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Will I be able to get through this lab? It’s fine if it’s hard work but don’t want to waste my money if I don’t stand a chance. You can DM if you’d like. Can someone please give Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. ultimateSK July 22, 2021, 11:49am This is the list of machines I have pwned: DANTE-WEB-NIX01 DANTE-WS03 DANTE-WS02 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-NIX04 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-DC01 I am currently looking at SQL01 and the J****ns machine, but none of my collected creds so far seem to be working. Hi guys, need a hint for the . Hello everybody, I’m stuck getting an initial foothold =/. Type your Frustrating. I know i’m not going crazy. You can DM me. Anyone else experienced Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Asking as working on my laptop it would take ages to crack it. Thanks man, will give it a try. Sometimes the lab would go down for some reason and a quick change to the VPN would work. You could tuck that code away anywhere on the half a dozen other locations or Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I’ve got a certain . Hack The Box :: Forums HTB Content ProLabs. As a noob I’ve probably thrown myself into the deep end Type your comment> @shaunography said: Presumably you have to get root on DANTE-WEB-NIX01? or is it sufficient to pivot via ssh using the standard user? You must root for a flag, but I would look into using sshuttle to pivot which does not require root creds. GlenRunciter August 15, 2020, 6:52pm 8. darkjoker October 25, 2020, 11:07pm 110. And yes, I’m talking about a flag that was there earlier but didn’t submit right away and was gone when I returned. This was just a Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. EDIT: I delete my comment I found the way ^^ Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Dante is a modern, yet beginner-friendly pro lab that provides the opportunity to learn common penetration testing methodologies and gain familiarity with tools included in the Parrot OS Linux distribution. n0t-k August 18, 2022, 8:53am 558. I have some understanding of the topic. azukam61 March 31, 2023, 7:52am 681. happycat May 24, 2023, 6:31am 1. m3talm3rg3 July 15, 2021, 10:10pm 388. If you’ve got OSCP then it should be fine for your skills, one of the Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Dante is a beginner-friendly Professional Lab that provides the opportunity to learn common penetration testing methodologies The price for Pro Labs in general has been updated by Hack The Box to a flat fee of USD$49/month. Just to give some hints like classic machine lab discussion: NIX02: Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. 0xd4d0 November 21, 2021, 1:07pm 438. I’ve worked through a couple of the easier HTB boxes but am struggling a little with the foothold for this one. txt file but I’ve hit a wall. Visit us today. austincoats September 29, 2020, 7:25pm 93. @m1ddl3w4r3 said: I have found the first 2 flags and still working on my initial foothold. 1shikoroK0ishi August 16, 2021, 10:30pm 400. Hello everyone, i got stuck on the priv esc for WEB-NIX01. m1ddl3w4r3 August 15, 2020, 4:40pm 7. (OSCP) Did the fuzzing of this application and found the right place for the Buffer Overflow. Got the ftp file and the sp file with keys (think i will need this for later). limelight August 12, 2020, 9:32pm 4 @GlenRunciter DM me if you are still stuck. As I said, the txt file gives you a hint about a program that is still installed on the server, you should look at this program files to find interesting information. Dante guide Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. My current Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Edit: Disregard! (Started the lab today. Any nudge or help in the right direction is appreciated. Sure, pm me. coldwaterq Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. The completion of Pro Labs releases a “Certificate Of Completion” which demonstrates the skills While prepping for the CPTS exam, I came across Zephyr Pro Labs from the main Hack The Box platform. GuyKazuya December 1, 2023, 1:37am 775. Each provides different technique requirements, learning objectives, and difficulty levels, from beginner-friendly to highly advanced. Guys, is the . There’s something wrong in my approach to root the initial machine. Update: i figured this out Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. for WEB-NIX01, I got root, but it felt like it wasn’t intentional, could I get a sanity check (no spoilers, but let me know if this is intentional): is the privesc supposed to be this easy? as in running linpeas and Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Trying to find the right direction towards foothold and Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I’m stuck on . any one got the flag on “An open goal” how can i miss this flag ? show post in topic. any nudge would be very helpful. My current network will not allow me to Hello, I need some help regarding Dante Pro Lab. 100), I successfully accessed the WordPress admin page, I could execute commands on the box as www-data but I can’t ping or connect back to my host. Type your comment> @jb12345 said: hey guys/gals – same here been banging my head over ws03 privesc for a week now. CosmicBear December 3, 2020, 2:13pm 141. Anyone else experienced this? The lab resets nightly. TheDeadManSpeaking March 20, 2022, 11:58pm 488. eagle005 April 21, 2023, 9:58am 703. Dante Pro Labs is advertised as a beginner-friendly Pro Lab that provides learners the opportunity to learn common Or maybe the ovpn config from HTB Lab Access Details is the wrong on I am trying to do Dante, but I am on a free account. I found the very first flag, and I found the backup file from the website. yurisco hello guys, I just have to do the ws02 to finish the lab, I tried brute force on ftp and smb with all the credentials of the other machines, but none gave me results, I tried with passwords from different wordlists but nothing, does anyone have any advice Hello guys, I’m stuck on the Update the policy! flag and I have pwned: DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX04 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-DC01 DANTE-WEB-NIX01 DANTE-WS03. Hi I am having trouble with priv esc on the . CosmicBear December 12, 2020, 1:03am 172. Could anyone please point me in the right direction? Thanks . While testing for bad chars I spot something strange in buffer , after the \x7f byte they not displayed in the right Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Ric0 December 16, 2020, 10:58am 180. the lab is great to do either before or right after OSC Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Fell free to PM ! Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Home ; Categories ; FAQ/Guidelines Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I got DC01 and found the E*****-B****. you can pm me about this> @richeze said: Hi can anybody offer some assistance with pivoting using chisel. DANTE-WS02 or DANTE-NIX07? I’ve been stuck trying to get a foothold for days without making any progress. I cant seem to get the upload correct for the next step can i DM someone for a more in-depth question? show post in topic. s0ld13r June 9, 2024, 12:32pm 812. inoaq August 2, 2023, 11:58am 726. I’m not sure what I’m missing in terms of finding the hidden admin network. 100 w*****s pass changed? Cause I can’t login. This lab took me around a week to complete with no interruptions, but with school and job Hack The Box’s Pro Lab Dante is an excellent challenge that will push you to learn more about pivoting and active directory enumeration. This lab took me around a week to complete with no interruptions, but with school and job interviews I was slowed down a bit more and took a little longer than expected. But I have tried bruting the login, but can’t seem to make a dent. G’day all, I am after a nudge on footholds for . Hey! I have rooted all the machines (except the firewall, NIX06), can’t find the last FLAG It doesn’t get any easier than this, Can anybody guide me to root NIX06, i have access as j*****? Thank you all. Home Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Got all flags execpt the flag “Again and again”. choupit0 January 3, 2023, 12:18am 615. Discussion about Pro Lab: RastaLabs. Hi, I have been struggling with O***** M***** R***** S**** to upload correctly obfuscated php shell in jpg. You can DM me if you still need a hint. lastc1pher July 15, 2021, 9:37pm 387. Type your comment> @limelight said: Using cewl to create a word list from scraping a unique site may give you words not in rockyou. Any clues please. Type your comment> @limelight said: Type your comment> @smugglebunny said: Feel like I have smashed into a wall. I’ve found some hints to reach the other network but can’t quite get it. Powered by GitBook. I am having Hi folks! Would anybody be willing to nudge for privesc on WS03? 😄 I’m quite certain I’m targeting the right thing, but it’s difficult to tell whether or not the lab needs to be reset. show post in topic Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hey everyone, I am currently stuck on . smugglebunny September 24, 2020, 9:29pm 90. but still not getting any live hosts. I have tried every line but still unable to login. S. Reading time: 11 min read. Hi I am stuck on the “It’s easier this way ” I have tried all brute-force attacks, but I did not get anything. dtwozero September 14, 2020, 1:26pm 64. I’m new to this and could use a little nudge on the initial foothold. Looking for a nudge on . txt file. 100 box. 100 ) i found out . #56 by BaddKharma - ProLabs - Hack The Box :: Forums - could this be your problem? scm January 28, 2021, 11:27am 260. Used cewl to create wordlist and made a userlist based on all names found on the wordpress site. I’m really stuck now, just in the beginning 🙁 Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. 10. Hi all, anyone available to give me some help with ssh port forwarding please? But I’m still unable to get a direct one from DANTE-NIX04 -----> My Kali Box Thanks! show post in topic. 0xDBE September 4, 2022, 6:15am 568. motoraLes February 1, 2021, 3:43pm 266. Can I DM anyone that understood this Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. I’ve tried arp-scan for Windows and Linux, but nothing’s showing up. cr7pt0k1tt9n May 9, 2023, 6:45pm 715. I don’t have any experience on how to pentest a network. Nobisuki May 13, 2023, 2:32pm 716. Much appreciated. The thing that I’m targeting no longer seems to work as intended. If you mean before you do Dante I would say there is more familiarization with topics and having your own set of TTPs. ) Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. The machine is there because I can hit the default page, but nothing beyond that. In this video I discuss my thoughts and reflect a bit on the experience I gained finishing Hack The Box's Dante Pro Lab. Type your comment> @0x00Name said: Type your comment> @limelight said: (Quote) @limelight I’m in the same situation. goate June 25, 2021, 6:53pm 358. Silverback May 16, 2022, 7:27am 515. I have rooted the below machines, but have yet to find Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. clivoa August 8, 2021, 1:28am 398. Hack The Box :: Forums Dante lab nmap. I’ve been on this one since yesterday. is the initial machine down? i can’t access the inital foothold machine no more. limelight October 8, 2020, 5:46pm 97. 5 and . Hello everyone, I am posting here a guide on pivoting that i am developing. Hello, I’m admin on DC01 and would appreciate some help with post exploitation. hello guys, I can’t make 5 machines, I have full control over the dante-admin-dc02 I scanned the admin subnet, I only found one machine with the ssh service active I tried brute force with the credentials collected so far ( Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hello folks ! First things first, apologize my english, i’m not native and I write without translator (kinda lazy) I’m currently doing the Dante proLab. One time was because lab was being redeployed. Hack The Box :: Forums Dante on Free account. Edit: Never mind! Got it. txt. DaahtKing December 16, 2020, 2:23am 178. Hi all. salocalom February 23, 2023, 7:05am 670. Scanning over a tunnel is problematic, how about running nmap from a machine which is on the network you want to scan? show post in topic. fireblade February 22, 2022, 4:25pm 476. Hi I found F* password in a zip file on NIX02. 100 box, would welcome a Type your comment> @BaddKharma said: For whoever was assigned IP address 10. But since I had to go I stopped for continuing other day. From February 1st, 2021, until the end of the year, all Hack The Box players that successfully complete (100%) Dante Pro Lab [Penetration Tester Level I] get one step closer to joining the To prepare for the eCPPTv2 test I decided to do the Dante Pro Lab on Hack the Box. Found the word press site and login. I can ssh in with Margaret, and escape her restrictive shell, but post-enumeration has given me nothing besides what I Hi Lads ! I am stuck on the first machine (Dante-Web-Nix01 ~ 10. Nayani October 16, 2020, 8:57pm 106. Type your comment> @1shikoroK0ishi said: Hi I found F* password in a zip file on NIX02. shaunography October 16, 2020, 2:32pm 103. any hint for root NIX05 Thanks. I’ve completed dante. Hack The Box :: Forums Dante - Problem proxychains. tr1shasec July 8, 2021, 5:09pm 373. Home ; Categories To be honest, I’m here because of an in-class assignment knowing full well my intutions are not where they need to be for a medium difficulty CTF lab when I don’t think my institution really looked at this from the angle of “several students ok but not great at PenTesting”. globule655 September 19, 2020, 5:06pm 83. Is dante-web-nix01 having issues? it’s going on and off every two minutes. caseyv May 3, 2023, 7:55pm 712. I know i’m not going crazy, but did something change over the network? Yesterday morning the . b0s0z0ku November 22, 2021, 3:19pm 440. Content. Dante guide — HTB. B1ngDa0 December 23, 2021, 4:47am 453. This unlocks access to ALL PRO LAB scenarios, with the ability to switch between scenarios at any given moment. I will give you respect. Hi can anybody offer some assistance with pivoting using chisel. stunn4 September 3, 2020, 7:14pm Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. I had previously completed the Wreath network and the Throwback network on Try Hack Me after taking time off. Exhausted everything I can think of and am happy to explain what I have tried via PMs to avoid spoilers here. Is someone else is facing the same issue? show post in topic Hey everyone, am stuck getting an initial foothold on DANTE-WEB-NIX01. show post in topic DANTE-WEB-NIX01 DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX03 DANTE-NIX04 DANTE-DC01 DANTE-WS01 DANTE-WS03. There are some small problems. Check your user privileges carefully. Oh my stars! I must be missing something on the dot century box. hmznls January 4, 2023, 2:34pm 622. Thanks for any help. Hello me too I had a ssh with one user DM if you have resolve your problem. 0x00Name October 8, 2020, 6:23pm 98. sigeri December 12, 2020, 12:46am 171. Welcome to The Wick Lab: a custom candle making studio. Make sure you know everything that is going on/happening on the system. Type your comment> @michael7474 said: Just to give some hints like classic machine lab Did you > @scm said: Type your comment> @k1ngPr4wn said: Just started Dante but nmap scan isn’t finding any hosts at all I can ping the . Hello! I just started Dante earlier this week and I was curious if anyone wanted to tackle it with me. Any nudge? thx. BL4CK5 April 6, 2023, 9:23pm 694. I have two questions to ask: Type your comment> @sT0wn said: Hi, you can DM me for tips. Anyone willing to help me out on this?? show post in topic. Hi folks anyone faced issue connection time out when he try to port forwarding ? show post in topic. Hi all! Learning Penetration Tester in Academy and playing Dante ProLab, so i’m a noob. 100 box Hi, you can DM me for tips. Is it normal ? Have you any ideas ? Thanks for the help ! Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Does the request reset function work? Every time I load up in Dante2 there is someone else’s php code still present. You have done all the machines that don’t have dependencies within the primary subnet. It’s just always the same list of hosts which I already know. I did run into a situation where is looks like certain boxes have changed IPs from my initial scan. Does the request reset Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. smugglebunny September 12, 2020, 1:51pm 58 @BaddKharma Are you unable to connect at all? I had connection issues initially. Browse HTB Pro Labs! Dante is a modern yet beginner-friendly Pro Lab that provides the opportunity to learn common penetration testing methodologies and gain familiarity with tools included in the Hack The Box Dante Pro Lab. ar2r777 January 4, 2021, 3:59pm 218. any advice would be much appreciated!! Pm man. I am stuck on a machine DANTE-NIX02 i have found the cred via S K* but when using the creds to switch user i am getting authentication failure. I’ve read all 500+ post and am no closer to getting a foothold. 2 firewall so there seems to be general connectivity. 😄 Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Page 1. I have pawned all flags except these 2 -It doesn’t get any easier than this -My cup runneth over I don’t know even get which ip has the It doesn’t get any easier than this flag. Along with your certificate, successful Pro Lab completion grants you with 40 CPE credits. I can ssh in with Margaret, and escape her restrictive shell, but post-enumeration has given me nothing besides what I Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Hello, Having a bit of trouble getting my foot into this one. I found, but still not working, requested machine reboot. Hi, I m a bit stuck on the NIX03, I found some creds, I dig in the different directory and In the pcap file, but the founded creds don’t work. Type your comment> @muhyuddin007 said: Type your comment> @HangmansMoose said: Hey everyone, am stuck getting an initial foothold on DANTE-WEB-NIX01. If you’ve got @JonnyGill said: Hi, wondering if I should sign up for this. hey guys, qq regarding DANTE-NIX03 , do I have to use jtr on this machine? I got root shell and found a file which might give some creds if cracked. Dante Pro Lab Tips && Tricks. I did run into a situation where is looks like certain boxes have changed IPs Hack The Box’s Pro Lab Dante is a great challenge and will force you to master a few Red Team skills. You won’t be able to use nmap, but should be able to do manual Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. What’s the deal with WS03. eventually got root on NIX01 after 4 hours almost break the entire machine lol hey guys, qq regarding DANTE-NIX03 , do I have to use jtr on Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. xslx file for b* the service nothing work. Hello, I have pwned all theses machines and I feel stuck and I don’t know what to do next: DANTE-NIX02 DANTE-NIX04 Have completed half the lab, so PM me if anyone needs pointers, and i may be able to help. Type your comment> @limelight said: Type your comment> @0x00Name said: Type your Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. 😄 As far as I’m aware all of the Pro Labs require a separate paid subscription as well as a one time lab setup fee. So far I’ve done the following: Used chisel to port forwarding allof the opening ports, but I dind’t give anything. . I did enjoy the experience of doing the lab, and am planning to do a few more HackTheBox Pro labs when time permits. Penetration testing can be a challenging field, and one of the most difficult tasks is 2145 E 2100 S (#1110) Salt Lake City, UT 84108. frogman September 5, 2020, 11:45am Just to give some hints like classic machine lab discussion: NIX02: user: somtimes read is more usefull than execute root: read files again Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. 0: 551: December 28, 2022 Ws01 privilage escalation. BaddKharma September 14, 2020, 8:28pm 67. Home ; Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. can anyone tell me which box “Compare my numbers” is on as i seem to have missed it Does Dante, and do pro labs in general, count towards my rank? repr0 March 27, 2022, 12:53pm 492. Was wondering if it was a case thing, but testing login with uppercase and lowercase first letter seemed to both be recognised (“incorrect password for user” rather than “user does not exist”). zkatoom: ne PM me so I c. Scanned the 10. Hooplaa2 May 10, 2022, 10:55pm 510. internal service running Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Have gotten admin into the app and tried uploading various things (uploads is closed off) and accessing database but am getting errors. This was just a comment about filtered ports. dante, prolabs. pivoting, dante. cyberceh369 August 7, 2023, 4:13pm 728. g000W4Y December 3, 2020, 11:45am 140. wiggy December 31, 2020, 11:10am 207. 100 box, would welcome a nudge in the right direction Thanks. ProLabs Hi I am having trouble with priv esc on the . I know there are at least Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. I have also been unable to locate the machine with a pivot to additional subnets. This lab is by far my favorite lab between the two discussed here in this post. Thanks. 1 Like. Should I be using brute force techniques (i’m using the multi-headed kind) on a particular user that is Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. Type your comment> @CosmicBear said: Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. Even nmap scans are giving me nothing back other than that the ports are Hack The Box :: Forums Dante Discussion. L7xL7 January 3, 2024, 11:42am 787. Topic Replies Views Activity; About the ProLabs category. limelight December 10, 2020, 3:15pm 169. Meterpreter wordpress bruteforce tool confirmed two usernames as vailid a---- and j---- but so far brute forcing with the cewl worldlist and Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. limelight September 21, 2020, 2:38am 86. @Ectrix said: Hi all, I’m new to HTB and looking for some guidance on DANTE. Home Opening a discussion on Dante since it hasn’t been posted yet. 5 in US Dante 1, you are an a** for stripping the entire wordpress site for your reverse shell. I’m having issues accessing the site I need for 100. dante. My current network will not allow me to use UDP for my tunnels, so I must convert my connection to Proto TCP. Still having a hard time figuring out this admin network entry point. ncx ivg ccpsrzmsx jeiln gpeoqj zva suep ksaeddv aufd wwny